Why Compostable Dog Poop Bags?

With the increasing number of households owning dogs, the amount of dog waste being generated has also risen significantly. Many people love dogs as pets, but they generate a significant amount of waste every day. It is estimated that in the United States alone, over 77 million dogs create approximately 10 million tons of feces each year. This staggering volume of dog poop poses a significant challenge when it comes to proper disposal and environmental impact.

Pet Waste Should Not Be Littered.

Pet excrement has been classified as a “non-point source of pollution” by the US Environmental Protection Agency, putting it on par with oil and dangerous chemicals. 23 million fecal coliform germs can be found in a gram of dog excrement. Pet feces, if not collected and disposed of properly, can spread bacteria, parasites, and diseases among pets or to humans. Dogs should be kept on the street; walking your dog in tree pits might harm trees due to soil compaction and excrement.

What Are We Going to Do with Your Pet’s Friends?

Pick up that dog feces no matter what. When you don’t pick up after your pet, you’re endangering the health of other animals and people, as well as polluting the environment.

When walking your dog, the most practical solution is to always have a bag with you. Keep a bag supply nearby or attached to your dog’s leash.

As a result, dog waste bags are an essential item for any family with a dog. There are some dog poop bag suppliers on the market, however many of them are made of PLASTICS, the type of plastic that accumulates in our landfills and seas. Ordinary canine poo-bags are an ecological disaster due to the petroleum needed in their creation and the plastic’s indefinite lifespan in a landfill.

Why Should You Use Compostable Dog Poop Bags?

Compostable dog waste bags are a good solution to this. They’re compostable and biodegradable. These amazing bags degrade together with dog wastes, leaving no harmful residue in the environment and no unattractive damaging plastic bags behind.

You can check out the facts about these environmentally friendly dog poop bags.

  • 100% Biodegradable.
  • 100% Compostable.
  • Instead of polyethylene, the bags are made of CORN.
  • It has been recognized as meeting the ASTM D6400 standard by the Biodegradable Products Institute (USA). It complies with the requirements of EN13432 standard by TUV Austria and Dincertco (Europe). It is also compliant with the AS4736 and AS5810 standards of the Australasian Bioplastics Association (Australia).
  • The bags are shelf-stable, and no chemical additions are used to speed up the degradation process. When exposed to the earth’s elements and microorganisms in the soil, the bags biodegrade organically.
  • Heat and moisture can escape or evaporate because they “breathe.” This function lowers the bacterial build-up in collected waste, resulting in less odour.
  • In a controlled composting setting, it will degrade in 30 days with no hazardous leftovers.

Overall, compostable dog poop bags provide a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for managing pet waste. By using these bags, you can prevent pollution, protect the health of animals and humans, and reduce the accumulation of plastic in landfills and oceans. Make the responsible choice for the environment and switch to compostable dog waste bags today.

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