Discover 4 Effective Methods to Identify Compostable Bags

Understanding Oxo-biodegradable Bags and Compostable Bags

In today’s environmentally conscious world, more and more consumers are opting for compostable bags. However, for new sellers looking to offer compostable bags, it is essential to ensure that their products are truly compostable, especially in a market flooded with counterfeit goods.

Before identifying compostable bags, let’s clarify the difference between degradable plastic bags and compostable bags.

Oxo-biodegradable Bags

Oxo-biodegradable plastic bags are made with additives that reduce the stability of the plastic, making it easier to disintegrate in the natural environment. These bags may undergo processes like photodegradation or thermal oxidation. However, it’s important to note that these plastic products do not completely decompose into organic matter through microbial degradation. Instead, they break down into tiny pieces, eventually leading to the creation of microplastics. If ingested by animals, these microplastics can pose significant problems when they re-enter the biosphere.

Strictly speaking, any plastic bags containing non-degradable polymer materials such as PE, PP, PS, PVC, EVA, PET, and others, regardless of the addition of compostable materials like PLA, PBAT, PHA, or starch, are considered degradable plastic bags.

Compostable Bags

Compostable bags, on the other hand, are typically made from materials like PBAT, PLA, and cornstarch. Some may also incorporate PBS, PHA, or PCL. These materials exhibit good biodegradability and can completely degrade in nature under specific conditions through microbial action. As a result, they produce carbon dioxide and water, leaving no harmful residues behind. Compostable bags are highly beneficial to the environment.

How to Identify Compostable Bags

There are various ways to verify the authenticity of compostable bags. These methods will aid in recognizing legitimate compostable bags and differentiating them from fake or inferior ones.

1. Visual Test

Authentic compostable bags should be printed with specific logos that signify their compliance with recognized standards. These logos may include certifications from reputable organizations. However, it’s important to note that dishonest suppliers may falsely print these logos on substandard bags. Therefore, relying solely on visual cues may not be sufficient for accurate identification.

2. Hand Feeling Test

Compostable bags have a distinct feel that sets them apart from degradable plastic bags. When touched, compostable bags give a silky and soft sensation, unlike the texture of other degradable plastics. This tactile difference can be a useful indicator of authenticity.

3. Smell Test

Another characteristic that can help identify compostable bags is their scent. While degradable plastic bags are typically odorless or have a plastic smell, compostable bags, particularly those made from cornstarch, may emit a faint aroma reminiscent of popcorn. The presence of this unique scent can serve as an additional clue during the identification process.

4. Burning Test

The burning test is considered one of the most reliable methods to identify compostable bags. When a degradable plastic bag is burned, it produces black smoke, emits a pungent smell, and leaves behind burnt particles. In contrast, when a genuine compostable bag is burned, it does not emit any smoke, leaves no pungent odor, and only organic powder remains. This organic powder can decompose and be absorbed, further confirming the bag’s compostability.

In conclusion, as the demand for environmentally friendly products continues to rise, it is crucial for sellers to verify the compostability of the bags they sell. The first step is understanding the differences between compostable bags and other so-called oxo-biodegradable plastic bags. By combining these identification methods, sellers can ensure the authenticity of the compostable bags they offer, safeguarding their customers from counterfeit goods and contributing to preserving the environment.

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